The article “Concessionaire’s Performance Assessment in Public-Private Partnerships”, written by Alberto Germani and Karl Zeller, published by Lexxion on its magazine European Procurement and PPP Law Review (EPPPL) n. 2 of July 2021, is now online on PMF website (
It describes authors’ experience with Public-Private Partnerships promoted by the Italian Autonomous Province of Bolzano/South Tyrol, which has been dealing with PPP operations for several years in various sectors (i.e. healthcare, caring homes, education, public offices).
Authors analyze various aspects of PPPs and, particularly, the performance control system and related sanctions (referred as Key Performance Indicators, KPIs) to monitor Concessionaire’s performance during contract execution, which are subject of careful evaluation by the Administrations, both at provincial and municipal level.
Article illustrates the fundamental aspects of PPP and KPIs. In particular, in the text is carried out a thorough analysis of performance control and sanction regime in the European legislative framework (Eurostat position), with an in-depth analysis of the monitored services and criteria adopted for calculation of sanctions with the relative application methods.
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