Well balanced and sustainable projects
PMF supports its Public and Private Clients in developing their initiatives with recourse to Public-Private Partnership (PPP) arrangements, whether they are capable of self-generating revenues or not.
Technical, financial and commercial advice will be provided throughout the entire PPP life-cycle, ensuring that projects will be successfully structured and delivered, and also by capturing the interest of capital markets for funding.
Our PPP activities cover the following areas:
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Structuring
- Feasibility and Bankability assessment in accordance with Art. 183 Clause 1 of Code of Public Contracts (Legislative Decree 50/2016) – PPP on Public Initiative option.
- Private Offer preparation pursuant to Art. 183 Clause 15 of Code of Public Contract (Legislative Decree 50/2016) – PPP on Private Initiative option.
- Value-for-Money analysis.
- Project risks analysis and allocation.
- Business Case and Financial modelling.
Tender Document Preparation and Assistance during Bidding
- Full Tender documentation preparation (technical, legal, financial and contractual papers) for public bidding.
- Technical and legal assistance to Awarding Authority Evaluation Committees during bidding phase until awarding and financial closing.

Venezia - Italy
New Venice Mestre PPP General Hospital (Italy)
- Value: EUR 236.000.000 (CAPEX)
- Year: 2000 - 2008
- Owner: Unità Sanitaria Locale 12 Venezia (Local Health Authority)
DBFO (Design, Build, Finance and Operation) concession awarding for a new 680-bed Hospital to be realized in Mestre, on the outskirts of Venice.
Contract includes technical maintenance and non-clinical services provision for a period of 29 years, inclusive of 4-year construction phase.
Bid was submitted in June 2001 and concession awarded in June 2002.
After concession on-time completion and commissioning, the Hospital first opened to public on May 2008 and it has been operational since then.
Considered one of the most innovative projects in worldwide healthcare for its technological features and medical equipment, the project was declared Best European PPP Deal at PFI Awards 2005.
Project carried out by Alberto Germani as PPP Task Force member of the Italian Ministry of the Treasury
Tuscany - Italy
Four Hospital Project in Tuscany (Italy)
- Value: EUR 450.000.000 (CAPEX)
- Year: 2003 - 2008
- Owner: Consorzio SIOR (Tuscany Regional Health Authority)
DBFO (Design, Build, Finance and Operation) concession for joint design, construction and maintenance of Prato, Massa, Lucca and Pistoia Hospitals in Tuscany, for a total number of 1.710 beds.
Contract encompasses technical maintenance and non-clinical services provision during operation for a period of 24 years, inclusive of 4-year construction phase.
Bids were submitted in June 2003 and PPP-based concession awarded in 2008.
Construction work was completed in 2014, and all four facilities are fully operational.
Project carried out by Alberto Germani as PPP Task Force member of the Italian Ministry of the Treasury
Emirati Arabi Uniti - UAE
Mafraq–Ghweifath E11 Highway PPP Concession, Abu Dhabi Emirate (UAE)
- Value: USD (CAPEX)
- Year: 2009 - 2011
- Owner: DoT – Abu Dhabi Department of Transport
Design, Finance, Construction (refurbishing and widening) and Management of E11 motorway between Mafraq, on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi, and Ghweifat, on the border with Saudi Arabia, for a total length of 327 km.
Assignment has a total duration of 29 years, including 4 years of construction.
The Mafraq-Ghweifat was conceived as the first PPP motorway project to be awarded by the United Arab Emirates under a Design, Build Finance and Operate (DBFO) agreement with availability-based repayment scheme.
Tender process was later turned into traditional procurement and awarded to 5 Consortia as Design & Build.
Construction work was completed in 2018, and ever since then the 4-lane upgraded highway has been open to traffic and fully operational.
Project carried out by Alberto Germani as PPP Unit member of Abu Dhabi Department of Transport (DoT).
Careggi (Florence) - Italy
Florence Hospital Co-Generation Power Facility (Italy)
- Value: EUR 25.000.000 (CAPEX)
- Year: 2004 - 2005
- Owner: Azienda Ospedaliera Careggi, Florence (Hospital Authority)
DBFO (Design, Build, Finance and Operation) of new co-generation facility, ready to serve Florence 1650-bed Careggi General Hospital and its vicinity with 125.000 Mwh/year combined energy supply (power, heat and cooling).
New co-generation plant PPP contract entails installation of gas turbines, accessories, transformers, IT controls, 2,5 km of pipeline for energy and steam distribution to endpoints, plus 15-year operation and maintenance.
Besides availability of a brand-new energy plant and supply network, a clear benefit for Awarding Authority results in a 15% estimated average annual savings made from the total actual energy bill paid by Hospital, equivalent to approximately 1 million euro/year.
Concession was awarded on December 2005, plant commissioned in 2012 and operational since then.
Project carried out by Alberto Germani as PPP Task Force member of the Italian Ministry of the Treasury.
Isle of Capri - Italy
Capri PPP Commercial and Multi-Sporting Complex
- Value: EUR 6.000.000 (CAPEX)
- Year: 2016 - ito date
- Owner: Municipality of Capri, Sport e Salute SpA (100% CONI, Italian Olympic Committee)
Full Feasibility study, financial modelling and tender documentation preparation for PPP concession of Capri’s new sporting facility.
Capri commercial and multi-sports 3-strorey complex features a 25-mt swimming pool, gym, spa, health and massage centre, medical facilities, commercial and food spaces.
Once operational, the complex will address the sporting and leisure demand of tourists and residents alike.
Concession assignment is revenue-based, spanning over 25 years inclusive of design, full private finance provision, facility construction and operation.
No public grants are to be foreseen, whereas concessionaire will retain the whole initiative market risk.
Bolzano - Italy
Correctional Facility PPP Performance Measurement System (Italy)
- Valore: EUR 60.000.000 (CAPEX)
- Anno: 2019
- Cliente: Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Bolzano’s Provincial Correctional Facility design and implementation of concession contract’s Performance Measurement System.
Capable of hosting 220 inmates in a new-concept environment, Province of Bolzano facility is the first PPP in the field of custodial services to be awarded in Italy.
PMF main tasks consist of technical specifications drafting of services to be carried out by Concessionaire, defining acceptance threshold for each of them and setting up level of related penalties in case of non-compliance.
120 different activities of various service categories, such as building management, catering, laundry, IT management, recreational activities and others have been analysed and level of performance set out, resulting in a series of parameters (Key Performance Indicators, KPIs) contractually agreed by all Parties, in full compliance with risk transfer principles and European off-balance PPP accounting rules.
Concession contract value: 150 million EUR.
Bolzano - Italy
IT Integrated Service and Customer Care PPP Performance Measurement System (Italy)
- Value: EUR 130.000.000
- Year: 2020 - in corso
- Owner: Südtiroler Informatik AG - Informatica Alto Adige SpA
Performance Measuring System design and implementation during operational phase of the following IT PPPs:
PPP Service Center Plus: set-up and management of an innovative and integrated communication platform, providing optimized IT services and assistance to Province of Bolzano’s public institutions.
Concession duration: 16 years.
Total contract amount: EUR 70 mil.
PPP Smart Working: supply to the Province of Bolzano’s public bodies of hardware and software services enabling users to access smart- and remote-working.
Concession duration: 13 years.
Total contract amount: EUR 60 mil.
PMF assignment activities:
- Concessionaire assigned contract services analysis and design.
- Writing of technical specifications and criteria for services measurement.
- KPI (Key Performance Indicators) identification and performance threshold set-up.
- Service non-compliance penalties amount quantification.