Creating value from waste
PMF assists Public Authorities and Private operators responsible for collecting, handling and disposing of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) and related city clean-up activities (washing, mechanical/manual sweeping, bulky-waste removal, awareness campaigns).
Consultation includes service and facility design, process modelling, tendering and performance supervision during the entire waste management operation.
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Consultancy and Service Design
- Planning and designing of waste collection, transportation and disposal services for Cities and urban areas, assisted by the most updated techniques and processes.
- Segregated collection techniques implementation for maximizing recycling rate.
- Waste facilities design, project delivery and process modelling (recycling plants, landfills).
- Sorting station design and process modelling.
- Organic waste recycling (compost, biomasses) techniques implementation and process design.
- Waste-to-energy production plants.
- Hazardous Waste (HW) handling and treatment.
Legal and Administrative Services
- Tender document preparation (call for bidding, technical specs, administrative docs, contract drafting, financial plans, service compensation calculation).
- Support for Public Authorities throughout bidding process until contract awarding.
- Computerized management of Environmental Managers National Register: new subscriptions, renewals, updates and amendments.
- Consultation on European and international regulatory system relative to waste and environment.
Waste Services Direction and Supervision During Operational Phase
- Carrying out CED (Contract Execution Direction) functions according to Infrastructure Ministerial Decree n. 49 of March 7th, 2018 on Public Services Operation Control.
- Direction, Supervision and performance assessment of environmental services assigned to waste management operators in Urban and Coastal Areas.
User Communication Programs
Our informative campaigns aim to efficiently raise awareness amongst citizens on the correct waste sorting techniques and actively involve them in maximizing waste collection efficiency.
We have successfully carried out campaigns on:
- Combating Illegal waste dumping, with supply and installation of specialized video monitoring devices and IT software aimed at detecting and preventing attempts to harm the environment.
- Educational training programs for households and business operators (bars, restaurants, food processing industry) on how to reduce food waste.
- Anti-littering of smoking products (cigarette butts, tobacco waste).

Waste Management Projects:
Taranto - Italia
City of Taranto Urban Solid Waste Management and Organisation Plan (Italy)
- Value: EUR 32.000.000/year of service
- Year: 2019 - to date
- Owner: Taranto Municipality (Italy)
Urban waste management reorganization planning, with introduction of door-to-door waste collection and engineered street waste collection, in a territory inhabited by 200.000 residential users.
Planning entails urban waste production analysis of Municipal territory, identifying optimal waste collection strategies and efficient downstream recycling, financial modelling setup to assess whole-life service costs, including start-up investments, operations and financial costs.
Taranto is one of the most challenging cities in southern Italy due to its complexity and combination of residential and industrial areas.
Besides hosting an important commercial and military port, Taranto is the seat of ILVA factory, the largest European steel and iron foundry.
Rocca Priora (Rome) - Italy
PAYT-based Municipal Waste Collection Service Design (Italy)
- Value: EUR 100.000
- Year: 2018 - to date
- Owner: Rocca Priora Municipality (Rome)
Pilot project aimed at introducing a Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) tariff system at city level on non-recyclable refuses dumped by household and commercial users, according to Art. 14 of European Directive 2008/98/CE and Act 147 of 2013.
Project main task is introducing large scale weight assessment and record keeping of general waste conferred by users and fees by making use of IT identifying and tracking systems (RFID, QR-optical) to be placed on containers and onboard collection vehicles.
The underlying concept is to charge users only on the basis of non-recyclable quantity of waste dumped, thus encouraging proper waste segregation at source and sorting of recyclable fractions as well as minimizing waste collection fees.
Project funded with the aid of Metropolitan City of Rome.
Abu Dhabi - UAE
Municipal Solid Waste Collection and Management Concession, Abu Dhabi City East (UAE)
- Value: USD 110.000.000
- Year: 2012 – 2013
- Owner: Batco Lavajet (UAE), on behalf of Tadweer - Center of Waste Management, Abu Dhabi
Project Direction of 5-year Municipal Solid Waste management concession contract for collection, transport and treatment of urban waste, street-sweeping and landfill management of East Abu Dhabi, for a total of 200.000 users.
Activities performed:
- Household waste collection, mechanical and manual street sweeping, urban street washing, bulky waste removal, public facilities (fruit, vegetable and fish market, slaughterhouse) cleanup, waste segregation for landfilling or recycling.
- Management of 800 staff members (cleaners, truck drivers, operators, clerk).
- Fleet (consisting of over 100 heavy trucks and vehicles) operation and maintenance.
- HSE, Quality Control and Reporting activities.
- Purchasing process control and approval.
- Client relationship management.
Project carried out by Alberto Germani as Contract Director on behalf of BATCO Lavajet UAE.
Abu Dhabi - UAE
Waste Licensing and Technical Advisory, Abu Dhabi (UAE)
- Value: USD 20.000.000
- Year: 2014 -2015
- Owner: CAP (UAE), on behalf of Tadweer - Center of Waste Management, Abu Dhabi
Consultancy on technical services, billing and licensing management concession contract for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, for a total of 500.000 households and 100.000 commercial customers serviced by the Client.
Activities performed:
- Licensing/tariff management of commercial users and Waste Management service providers (more than 100.000 registered customers).
- Customer relationship management (call centre/desk).
- Customers facilities inspections/controls and requirements verifications.
- Control over landfill, waste sorting stations and recycling plants.
- Assessment and Implementation of new techniques for recycling (compost, biomass, oil) energy production (waste-to-energy plants) and safe disposal.
- Waste legal framework advisory provision.
- Technical consultancy on rules and regulations drafting and enforcement at Emirate’s level.
Fiumicino (Rome) - Italy
Public Beaches Maintenance Service Contract Onsite Direction (Italy)
- Value: EUR 1.000.000
- Year: 2018 - to date
- Owner: Fiumicino Municipality (Rome)
Contract Execution onsite Director (DEC) public beaches cleaning and maintenance services within Fiumicino Municipality.
Fiumicino’s municipal coastline, on the outskirts of Rome, extends for about 30 km, where there are located 30 public beaches and 6 integral natural reserves for a total area of 400.000 m².
During summer season daily off-peak presences account for 100.000 beach-goers on average, reaching 500.000 during festive days.
Activities performed:
- Record of areas open to public use (public beaches, natural areas) and their cartographic rendering.
- Tender documentation preparation and assistance during bid until awarding to in-charge service provider.
- Beach cleanliness and regular maintenance assessment through onsite daily inspections carried out during summer season, while regularly off-peak.
- Overall service performance assessment according to contract standards and applicable laws.
- Contract administration and accounting, payment liquidation to contractors.
Lazio - Italy
Educational Champaign on Food Waste Reduction
- Value: EUR 30.000
- Year: 2018 - to date
- Owner: Genzano and Castelnuovo di Porto Municipalities (Rome)
Educational campaign planning and roll-out aimed at reducing food waste overproduction, through involvement of public and private stakeholders (schools, citizens, restaurants, cafeterias, catering).
Information material draw-up, printing and distribution (banners, flyers, recycled food cooking menus).
Live cooking show (show-cooking) using food leftovers, workshops, school lecturing, public events organization.
Castelnuovo di Porto (Rome) - Italy
Action Plan Against Illegal Waste Dumping
- Value: EUR 20.000
- Year: 2018 - to date
- Owner: Castelnuovo di Porto Municipality (Rome)
Anti-waste illegal dumping campaign in Municipal territory.
Abandoned areas redevelopment initiatives, video surveillance systems installation on most sensitive spots for waste tipping, territory control enforcement and coordination amongst local authorities and bodies (Environmental Police, Civil Protection, Municipal Police).
Project funded with Metropolitan City of Rome financial support.
Lazio - Italy
Educational Campaign Against Littering of Smoking Products
- Value: EUR 20.000
- Year: 2019 - to date
- Owner: Morlupo e Castelnuovo di Porto Municipalities (Rome)
Educational campaign planning and roll-out aimed at preventing and countering littering of cigarette butts.
Campaign has been implemented using a dedicated graphic line, ad-hoc informative material (gadgets and pocket-sized ashtrays) and advertising tools.
Awareness campaign actions, lectures and communication initiatives, fundamental for a successful outcome, were held in schools, bars and during public events.