Investing safely
PMF assists its Clients in achieving an optimal financial structure and arranging required financial resources so as to make their projects bankable and appealing to Financiers.
We pay careful attention to the preparation of Business Plans, Financial Modeling and the evaluation of various financing options available on the financial market, in order to design an accurate tailor-made capital structure suitable for addressing our Client’s needs.
PMF is specializes in providing the following services:
Business Cases and Financial Models
- Preparation of Financial Plans (FP), Business Cases (Outline BC, Full BC) and other required financial documentation for bidding or fund securing purposes.
- Cinancial modelling and Capital structure optimization (Equity and Debt).
Project Funding
PMF assists its Clients, especially public ones (Local Authorities), in seeking Regional, National and European financial resources in order to fund their projects.
We have successfully secured public and private funding for projects in environmental, renewable energy and local services sectors.
Our fundraising activity is achieved through the following steps:
- Preliminary assessment of available funding options.
- Fund Search, assisting Clients in their dealings with Capital Market, Fund providers (Equity Financing and Debt financing) and Public Financing Institutions.
- Full case documentation preparation.
- Client support throughout the application and evaluation process until funding approval/financial closure.